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Mel Gibson Caricature Cartoon Family Values

Saturday, April 18, 2009 - - 0 Comments

Yes, Mel Gibson isn't just another pretty face. And boy is he ever pretty! Women just love him. And obviously - since he is so pretty - he must have important things to say. And he DOES!

Mel Gibson, Actor, family values guy, super-mega Christian conservative
Mel Gibson Family Values

Mel Gibson wants you to know that he's an ultra-conservative, super-duper mega Christian! In fact, it's pretty much all he talks about. Yes indeed, he's a family values guy all the way. You just can't argue with Mel when it comes to those family values (or Jews).

But like many people who choose to wear their faith on their sleeves, Mel has another side too - that he doesn't really want you to know about.

It seems that besides being a belligerent bigot (which always seems to be okay with the family values folk) he also is probably a serial adulterer - which sort of isn't okay with them... well, you can just say you're sorry and all is forgiven, I guess. You don't actually have to be a better person, you just have to spout the right doctrines in everyone's collective faces. But Mel's wife has finally gotten tired of his version of family values, and has filed for divorce. (In this divorce matter, Mel Gibson demands a right he would never grant to a gay person, a non-believer, or a woman who thinks she has rights equal to those of a man; absolute privacy).

So here's to ya, Mel! You keep telling others how to live good conservative Christian lives while you keep porking the hot chicks in the back room. Nobody in your crowd will ever hold it against you.

ABOUT THE ART: Basically just a marker sketch straight-up, no pencil or preliminaries. Just go for it! 9x12 recycled paper (Canson).. Markers are Letraset Tria. The original sketch took maybe 2 minutes, tops. You can find the original sketch here on my Facebook collection - I decided to color it this morning just for fun.


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